Endura N-Acetyl Carnitine Tablets Product Information
N-Acetyl Carnitine is a bioavailable form of carnitine.
Endura N-Acetyl Carnitine Tablets assists with the conversion of fatty acid into energy. N-Acetyl Carnitine transports body fat into the mitochondria (energy-producing part of a cell) to be utilised as fuel for working muscles helping to increase muscular endurance and stamina. Enhanced lipid metablolism may also be beneficia for fat / weight loss.
Endura N-Acetyl Carnitine Tablets may also assist the symptoms of physical and mental fatigue. It supports normal healthy cognitive function, including concentration.
Key features of N-Acetyl Carnitine:
- Assist the conversion of fatty acids into energy
- Assist muscle function
- Assist muscular endurance
- Beneficial for fat loss
- Assist the symptoms of physical & mental fatigue
- N-Acetyl Carnitine is a bioavailable form of carnitine
Endura N-Acetyl Carnitine Tablets Directions:
Adults - Take 1 tablet twice daily
To assist physical exertion: Take 3 capsules twice daily or as directed by your healthcare professional.
Endura N-Acetyl Carnitine Tablets may be used to:
Assist physical stamina and endurance; Assist cellular energy production; Assist fat loss; Reduce symptoms of mental and physical fatigue; Assist fatty acid metabolism; Assist cognitive function including conentration.
Endura N-Acetyl Carnitine Tablets are great for:
Endurance athletes; marathon runners; triathletes; Crossfit; Rowers; Swimmers; Anyone under mental stress; Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; Elderly; May assist Alzheimer's sufferers; Anyone wishing to assist physical and mental stamina and endurance.